Portfolios: Art and Photography
Divergent Evolutions
I live in one of the first subdivisions built in the city. Over the years the residents of the houses have modified the original structures and grounds to fit their needs and aspirations. This 2016 project is a creative melding of contemporary versions of the same starter house.
Engineered Food
Playing with food. Includes what might be my best-know piece, a re-creation of an Ansel Adams photo of Yosemite Valley, made out of Spam and tofu, why the hell not.
Destructive Testing
I worry that photography can be pretty invasive and not at all the benign non-presence that it can be made out to be. So, I present you a suite of pieces where things in front of the lens get destroyed in the process of making a pretty photograph, all in the name of science–or is it art?
The images and music on this website copyright 1992-2022 by James SOE NYUN. All rights reserved.