The works in my Going project examine the experience of travel by automobile and by aircraft, two modes of transportation that fundamentally transformed how we perceive and experience the world. While visually unlike much of my previous work, they share a common interest in looking at how technologies change the natural world and at how photography reports on—or perhaps even participates in—those changes.
These color works were shot on film, and often use a lot of the sorts of blurring you get on film using that equipment. I also did some work looking at the cool distortions a cellphone image sensor can produce: [ here ]
At the bottom of the page there’s also a link to video made up of about 4 seconds of video shot on a stupid little camera as the batteries gave out. The piece is an homage to the early musical phase works of composer Steve Reich, where a small musical fragment is looped against itself, first in sync, then going more and more out of sync.
The still works are 20 x 20 inches.
All images copyright 2001-2014 by James SOE NYUN. All rights reserved.
Night, Fog [ for Steve Reich ] 2011. Video sketch for 3-channel video installation, 9 minutes, 50 seconds.
The images and music on this website copyright 1992-2022 by James SOE NYUN. All rights reserved.